



貴記事 「薬害エイズ事件」 についてですが、エイズは発見が1981年ですので、薬害について1970年代に遡って責任を追及することはできないのでないでしょうか。 http://www.avert.org/aids-timeline.htm 厚生省に情報が入ったのは下記によればの通り1983年で、これが正しいのであれば、「1983年から~」と改めるべきではないでしょうか。

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, is a communicable disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV. AIDS is currently considered incurable. The first reported cases of AIDS occurred in Los Angeles in 1981. See full article at AIDS.

It was not until 1985 that the first cases of AIDS were officially reported in Japan. As early as 1983, however, Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare was notified by Baxter Travenol Laboratories (BTL) that it was manufacturing a new blood product, licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which was heat-treated to kill HIV virus. BTL was interested in licensing this new product in Japan. Japanese Green Cross Corporation (ミドリ十字), the main Japanese provider of blood products protested that this would constitute unfair competition, as it was "not prepared to make heat-treated agents itself"[1]. The Ministry of Health responded by ordering screening of untreated blood products, clinical trials of heat-treatments, and a campaign to increase domestic blood donations. Green Cross Corporation meanwhile distributed letters of "safety assurance of unheated blood products" to patients, many of whom suffered from haemophilia[2].




