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Wine production in 2014[1]


This list of wine-producing regions catalogues significant growing regions where vineyards are planted. Wine grapes mostly grow between the 30th and the 50th degree of latitude, in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Grapes will sometimes grow beyond this range, thus minor amounts of wine are made in some rather unexpected places.


In 2014, the five largest producers of wine in the world were, in order, Italy, Spain, France, the United States, and China.  




The following is a list of the top wine-producing countries and their volume of wine production for the year 2014 in tonnes, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), which is an agency of the United Nations; this is the latest information available from the FAO.


Their data show a total worldwide production of 31 million tonnes of wine with the top 15 producing countries accounting for over 90% of the total.[2]

A colour-coded map of 2013 global wine production
Map of global wine production in 2013
Wine production by country in 2014
Rank Country

(with link to wine article)

1 イタリアの旗 Italy 4,796,900
2 スペインの旗 Spain 4,607,850
3 フランスの旗 France 4,293,466
4 アメリカ合衆国の旗 United States 3,300,000
5 中華人民共和国の旗 China 1,700,000
6 アルゼンチンの旗 Argentina 1,498,380
7 チリの旗 Chile 1,214,000
8 オーストラリアの旗 Australia 1,186,343
9 南アフリカ共和国の旗 South Africa 1,146,006
10 ドイツの旗 Germany 920,200
11 ポルトガルの旗 Portugal 603,327
12 ルーマニアの旗 Romania 378,283
13 ギリシャの旗 Greece 334,300
14 ロシアの旗 Russia 327,400
15 ニュージーランドの旗 New Zealand 320,400
16 ブラジルの旗 Brazil 273,100
17 ハンガリーの旗 Hungary 258,520
18 オーストリアの旗 Austria 199,869
19 セルビアの旗 Serbia 198,183
20 モルドバの旗 Moldova 149,850
21 ブルガリアの旗 Bulgaria 130,500
22 ジョージア (国)の旗 Georgia 108,600
23 スイスの旗 Switzerland 93,365
24 ウクライナの旗 Ukraine 86,904
25 日本の旗 Japan 85,000
26 ペルーの旗 Peru 73,000
27 ウルグアイの旗 Uruguay 72,500
28 カナダの旗 Canada 54,663
29 アルジェリアの旗 Algeria 52,000
30 チェコの旗 Czech Republic 52,000
31 北マケドニア共和国の旗 North Macedonia 51,013
32 クロアチアの旗 Croatia 45,272
33 トルコの旗 Turkey 44,707
34 メキシコの旗 Mexico 39,360
35 トルクメニスタンの旗 Turkmenistan 39,000
36 モロッコの旗 Morocco 37,000
37 ウズベキスタンの旗 Uzbekistan 36,000
38 スロバキアの旗 Slovakia 32,527
39 ベラルーシの旗 Belarus 29,980
40 アルバニアの旗 Albania 24,000
41 カザフスタンの旗 Kazakhstan 21,993
42 チュニジアの旗 Tunisia 21,500
43 モンテネグロの旗 Montenegro 16,000
44 レバノンの旗 Lebanon 14,700
45 スロベニアの旗 Slovenia 13,229
46 コロンビアの旗 Colombia 13,000
47 ルクセンブルクの旗 Luxembourg 12,494
48 キューバの旗 Cuba 12,080
49 エストニアの旗 Estonia 11,104
50 キプロスの旗 Cyprus 10,302
51 アゼルバイジャンの旗 Azerbaijan 9,512
52 ボリビアの旗 Bolivia 9,422
53 マダガスカルの旗 Madagascar 8,350
54 ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナの旗 Bosnia and Herzegovina 7,524
55 アルメニアの旗 Armenia 6,174
56 リトアニアの旗 Lithuania 6,005
57 エジプトの旗 Egypt 5,000
58 イスラエルの旗 Israel 5,000
59 ベルギーの旗 Belgium 2,900
60 ラトビアの旗 Latvia 2,450
61 マルタの旗 Malta 2,426
62 ジンバブエの旗 Zimbabwe 1,750
63 キルギスの旗 Kyrgyzstan 1,700
64 パラグアイの旗 Paraguay 1,500
65 エチオピアの旗 Ethiopia 1,297
66 ヨルダンの旗 Jordan 550
67 イギリスの旗 United Kingdom 425
68 パナマの旗 Panama 159
69 タジキスタンの旗 Tajikistan 150
70 リヒテンシュタインの旗 Liechtenstein 79
71 シリアの旗 Syria 70
72 ポーランドの旗 Poland 49
73 Template:Country alias Reunionの旗 Reunion 30





Cape Verde

  • Chã das Caldeiras



South Africa

A vineyard in the Stellenbosch region, South Africa






Argentine wine regions










Chile's topography with the location of most of Chile's wine regions highlighted
  • Aconcagua
  • Atacama
    • Copiapó Valley
    • Huasco Valley
  • Central Valley
  • Coquimbo
    • Choapa Valley
    • Elqui Valley
    • Limarí
  • Pica – a wine-producing oasis before the Chilenization of Tarapacá
  • Southern Chile




  • Arequipa region valleys
  • Huaral District and Cañete Province – both in Lima Region; formerly in Surco were vineyards that have disappeared due to urban expansion
  • Ica Region – including Chincha, Pisco and Ica valleys
  • Pica – a wine-producing oasis before the Chilenization of Tarapacá

United States

  1. ^ Wine production”. Our World in Data. 5 March 2020閲覧。
  2. ^ Wine production (tons)”. Food and Agriculture Organization. p. 1 (6 October 2015). 8 October 2015閲覧。
  3. ^ a b c d e The History of Vineyards in Algeria”. Atlasian Cellars Meghdir & Sons (2005年). 2005年4月7日閲覧。
  • Arizona
  • California
    • Central Coast AVA
      • Livermore Valley AVA
      • Paso Robles AVA
      • York Mountain AVA
    • Central Valley
      • Lodi AVA
    • North Coast AVA
      • Mendocino AVA
      • Napa Valley AVA
      • Sonoma County
    • Sierra Foothills AVA
    • South Coast AVA
  • Colorado
  • Idaho
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
    • Finger Lakes AVA
    • Hudson River Region AVA
    • Long Island AVA
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
    • Texas High Plains AVA
    • Texas Hill Country AVA
    • Trans-Pecos
  • Virginia
  • Washington
    • Columbia Valley AVA




The wine-producing enterprise for Venezuela can be found here.









Bosnia and Herzegovina





  • Continental Croatia: Central Croatia and Slavonia
    • Moslavina
    • Plešivica
    • Podunavlje
    • Pokuplje
    • Prigorje – Bilogora
    • Slavonia
    • Zagorje – Međimurje
  • Littoral Croatia: Northern Croatian Littoral and Dalmatia
    • Croatian Coast (Hrvatsko primorje)
    • Dalmatian Interior (Dalmatinska zagora)
    • Central and South Dalmatia (Srednja i Južna Dalmacija)
    • Northern Dalmatia (Sjeverna Dalmacija)
    • Istria (Istra)


  • Commandaria
  • Laona – Akamas
  • Vouni Panagias – Ambelitis
  • Krasochoria Lemesou
  • Pitsilia
  • Diarizos Valley

Czech Republic





Map of wine regions in France
ファイル:330px-Corse AOC.png
Corsica's wine regions: (1) Cap Corse, (2) Patrimonio, (3) Calvi, (4) Ajaccio, (5) Sartène , (6) Figari, (7) Porto-Vecchio, (8) Greater Vin de Corse region. The Muscat du Cap Corse region overlaps with part of the Cap Corse and Patrimonio regions.




  • Ahr
  • Baden
  • Franconia (Franken)
  • Hessische Bergstraße
  • Mittelrhein
  • Mosel
  • Nahe
  • Palatinate (Pfalz)
  • Rheingau
  • Rheinhessen
  • Saale-Unstrut
  • Saxony (Sachsen)
  • Württemberg


Greek wine regions


Wine regions in Hungary




"Chianti" areas in Tuscany


  • Sabile




  • Moselle Valley


  • Bardar
  • Codri
  • Cricova
  • Hîncești
  • Purcari




  • Groesbeek

North Macedonia





Portuguese wine regions


  • Banat wine regions:
    • Arad
    • Jamu Mare
    • Măderat
    • Miniș
    • Moldova Nouă
    • Recaș
    • Silagiu
    • Teremia
    • Tirol
  • Crișana wine regions:
    • Diosig
    • Săcuieni
    • Sâniob
    • Sanislău
    • Valea lui Mihai
  • Moldavia wine regions:
    • Berești
    • Bohotin
    • Cotești
    • Colinele Tutovei
    • Comarna
    • Copou
    • Corod
    • Cotnari
    • Covurlui
    • Cucuteni
    • Dealu Morii
    • Dealul Bujorului
    • Hârlău
    • Hlipicani
    • Huși
    • Iași
    • Ivești
    • Jariștea
    • Nămoloasa
    • Nicorești
    • Odobești
    • Panciu
    • Păunești
    • Probota
    • Tănăsoaia
    • Târgu Frumos
    • Tecuci
    • Țifești
    • Tomești
    • Vaslui
    • Zeletin



Template:Wine by countryTemplate:Wine by country

San Marino



Wine regions of Serbia
  • Nišava – South Morava region
  • Pocerina region
  • Srem region
  • Subotica – Horgoš region
  • Šumadija – Great Morava region
  • Timok Valley
  • West Morava region


Wine-producing regions in Slovakia


The three wine regions in Slovenia


Spanish wine-producing regions





In Ukraine, at the present time there are seven administrative regions (provinces) in which the wine industry has developed. Given the favorable climatic location, the law of Ukraine allocated 15 winegrowing areas (macrozones), which are the basis for growing certain varieties of grapes, and 58 natural wine regions (microzones). These are located mainly in the following areas.

United Kingdom


In the UK, the area under vines is small, and whilst viticulture is not a major part of the rural economy, significant planting of new vines has occurred in the early 21st century. The greatest concentration of vineyards is found in the south east of England, in the counties of Hampshire, Kent, Surrey, and Sussex.






  • Aghdam, Agdam District
  • Baku, capital
  • Ganja, Ganja-Basar zone in central Azerbaijan
  • Madrasa village of Shamakhi Rayon, from Madrasa, indigenous only to this region
  • Tovuz and Shamkir, northwestern Azerbaijan





Regions producing native wines have been present since the Qin Dynasty,[8] with wines being brought to China from Persia. Some of the more famous wine-producing regions are:

With the import of Western wine-making technologies, especially French technology, production of wines similar to modern French wine has begun in many parts of China with the direction of experienced French wine-makers; China is now the sixth largest producer of wine in the world. The following regions produce significant quality of wine:





Indonesia has been producing wine for over 18 years, with North Bali's vineyards producing three main grape varieties: the Belgia, the Alphonse Lavallee and the Probolinggo Biru. The main producer, Hatten Wines, has revolutionized the world of winemaking, with eight wines produced from these three varieties.



Prior to the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran was a producer of wine. While production has stopped, the vineyards continue to exist and their product has been diverted to non-alcoholic purposes.



Also includes wine regions in Israeli-occupied territories.





South Korea




Palestinian territories





Wine-producing regions in Turkey
  • White wine grapes:[12]
  • Red wine grapes[12]
    • Adakarası – Marmara region and Avşa Island
    • Boğazkere – Elazığ and Diyarbakır areas
    • Çalkarası – Çal, Denizli area
    • Dimrit – central Anatolia and eastern Aegean region
    • Horozkarası, Sergikarası – southeastern Anatolia region
    • Kalecik Karası – Ankara area
    • Karalahna – Tekirdağ region, Bozcaada
    • Karasakız, Kuntra – Çanakkale region
    • Öküzgözü – Elazığ area
    • Papazkarası – Kırklareli area






Australian geographic indications by state

Geographic indications for Australian wine are governed by law. The geographic indication must indicate where the grapes are grown, irrespective of where the wine itself is made. A geographic indication may be "Australia", "South Eastern Australia", a state name, zone, region or subregion if defined.[13]

The zones, regions and subregions in each state are listed below:

New South Wales

  • Big Rivers
    • Murray Darling
    • Perricoota
    • Riverina
    • Swan Hill
  • Central Ranges
    • Cowra
    • Mudgee
    • Orange
  • Hunter Valley
    • Hunter
      • Broke Fordwich
      • Pokolbin
      • Upper Hunter Valley
  • Northern Rivers
    • Hastings River
  • Northern Tablelands
    • New England
  • South Coast
    • Shoalhaven Coast
    • Southern Highlands
  • Southern New South Wales



South Australia


Adelaide Super Zone includes Mount Lofty Ranges, Fleurieu and Barossa wine zones.

  • Barossa
    • Barossa Valley
    • Eden Valley
      • High Eden
  • Far North
    • Southern Flinders Ranges
  • Fleurieu
    • Currency Creek
    • Kangaroo Island
    • Langhorne Creek
    • McLaren Vale
    • Southern Fleurieu
  • Limestone Coast
    • Coonawarra
    • Mount Benson
    • Mount Gambier
    • Padthaway
    • Robe
    • Wrattonbully
  • Lower Murray
    • Riverland
  • Mount Lofty Ranges
    • Adelaide Hills
      • Lenswood
      • Piccadilly Valley
    • Adelaide Plains
    • Clare Valley
  • The Peninsulas


Regions, no zones defined
  • Coal River
  • Derwent Valley
  • East Coast
  • North West
  • Pipers River
  • Southern
  • Tamar Valley


  • Central Victoria
    • Bendigo
    • Goulburn Valley
      • Nagambie Lakes
    • Heathcote
    • Strathbogie Ranges
    • Upper Goulburn
  • Gippsland
  • North East Victoria
    • Alpine Valleys
    • Beechworth
    • Glenrowan
    • King Valley
    • Rutherglen
  • North West Victoria
    • Murray Darling
    • Swan Hill
  • Port Phillip
    • Geelong
    • Macedon Ranges
    • Mornington Peninsula
    • Sunbury
    • Yarra Valley
  • Western Victoria

Western Australia

  • Greater Perth
    • Peel
    • Perth Hills
    • Swan Valley
  • South Western Australia
    • Blackwood Valley
    • Geographe
    • Great Southern
      • Albany
      • Denmark
      • Frankland River
      • Mount Barker
      • Porongurup
    • Manjimup
    • Margaret River
    • Pemberton[14]

New Zealand

Map of the wine regions of New Zealand
Wine region map of New Zealand

GI stands for New Zealand Geographical Indication.

  • Auckland (GI)
    • Henderson
    • Kumeu (GI)
    • Matakana (GI)
    • Waiheke Island (GI)
  • Canterbury (GI)
    • North Canterbury (GI)
    • Waipara Valley (GI)
  • Central Otago (GI)
  • Gisborne (GI)
  • Hawke's Bay (GI)
    • Central Hawke's Bay (GI)
    • Gimblett Gravels
    • Bridge Pa Triangle
  • Marlborough (GI)
    • Wairau Valley
    • Southern Valleys
    • Awatere Valley
  • Nelson (GI)
  • Northland (GI)
  • Waikato (Te Kauwhata)
  • Wairarapa (GI)
    • Martinborough (GI)
    • Gladstone (GI)
  • Waitaki Valley (GI)






  1. ^ Schweiz Aargau und seine Weingebiete”. www.ernestopauli.ch. 2011年5月12日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2015年7月30日閲覧。
  2. ^ Schweiz Bern und seine Weingebiete”. www.ernestopauli.ch. 2023年6月17日閲覧。
  3. ^ Schweiz – Kt. Freiburg und seine Weingebiete”. www.ernestopauli.ch. 2023年6月17日閲覧。
  4. ^ Schweiz – Kt. St.Gallen und seine Weingebiete”. www.ernestopauli.ch. 2023年6月17日閲覧。
  5. ^ Schweiz – Kt. Schaffhausen und seine Weingebiete”. www.ernestopauli.ch. 2023年6月17日閲覧。
  6. ^ Thurgau – Der Ostschweizer Kanton und seine Weingebiete”. www.ernestopauli.ch. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  7. ^ Zürich und seine Weingebiete – Wine of Zurich”. www.ernestopauli.ch. 2016年11月12日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2015年7月30日閲覧。
  8. ^ Archived copy”. 2008年4月9日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2007年11月27日閲覧。
  9. ^ a b c d e Chinese Markets for Wines :wines-info Archived 2007-11-27 at the Wayback Machine.
  10. ^ The wine output of Yantai will reach 230000 kiloliters in 2008:wines-info”. 2009年2月15日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2009年6月28日閲覧。
  11. ^ Anseong Culture Tour”. City of Anseong. 2012年3月14日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2010年11月5日閲覧。
  12. ^ a b Grapes grown for wine production in Turkey”. Yazgan Winery (2007年). 2007年10月6日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2007年6月6日閲覧。
  13. ^ Register of Protected Names Section (a) Australian GI”. Australian Wine & Brandy Corporation. 2008年3月31日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2008年4月8日閲覧。
  14. ^ Western Australia's Wine Regions”. Western Australia. 2010年11月27日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2010年11月25日閲覧。